A malaysian exchange student,

sharing an assortment of gained experiences in Belgium with you in words and pictures.

This is my visual diary.

Finding myself while getting lost in Belgium.
Alice Tai. 技術提供:Blogger.






-努力学习 preview+review!!!
-to be a better me 




很好 睡前听了首The Furey and Davey Arthur 的 Absent Friends 
今天准备失眠了 希望明天的效率不会影响太大
当曲子唱到副歌部分的时候 眼泪情不自禁挣扎腾出眼眶
这首歌的每一句歌词 每一个曲调 都让我脑海里涌出各个画面
想当时 每当有过节回接待外婆家的时候 
每个晚上聊天喝酒之后 就会和接待外公一起弹唱这一首歌
接待外公手握吉他 我负责钢琴乱配音 再加上接待爸爸的笛子
接待妈妈和外婆和我们一起欢唱 一切的一切 
当时是多么无虑快乐 是多么的从容不迫
从万圣节、圣诞节、复活节等到我离开比利时前的那一天 依然如此清晰

这时我心里又开始感觉特别烦躁 矛盾
回马之后的大学生活 到现在我才发现我其实一点也不快乐
从一开始面对重新适应的压抑 到后来的假装无所谓
而现在是努力把自己逼忙 逼自己生活必需充实 让自己不空闲 
每一天学习时间基本超过6小时 隔天健身一次 周末不停歇
这样的生活持续了近三个月 但我真的不快乐 

而是周末能出去走走 看看不一样的东西 不只是活在所谓的框框里
但是在这里 交通不方便 也没有地方可以走走看看
我感觉自己快疯了 真的


我其实很疑惑 我做的选择是否是对的 
我是否应该再次作出大胆的决定 追求真正能使我开心快乐的东西

生活中总有人让你牵挂 也会有人牵挂着你
不管是让人牵挂 还是牵挂别人
是的 连我自己也无法想象我是有多么迫切的想回去 
其实不是地方 而是生活方式

我知道我不是孩子 但是我却渴望孩子的快乐


和我同龄的伙伴们都快上本科了 只有我才拥有现在所谓的初体验
所幸的是和他们还没什么代沟 只是有时候会渴望可以有中学时的朋友陪伴

有的教授的效率感觉不是很好 但还是希望自己能够撑下去
-除了要学习学术外,也要学习各种soft skills
-上coursera听听课 找出自己真正的兴趣强项
-随时aiming CGPA在3.8以上 

最后还是希望接下来人生的new chapter能够像以往一样精彩 甚至是更精彩。
戴嘉慜 加油。



标题从荷兰语翻译过来就是the readjust。
之前说好回来就要努力收拾心情 准备入读大学
也受够了这里的indolent weather,
但是能怎样 还是需要慢慢的接受。

十分感谢她爸爸的热情与招待 重点还在于她爸爸特地为了我们而请了假
去的那4天给他们家填了不少麻烦 真是惭愧

20、21要参加afs的post exchange camp






























人的独立性取决于你依赖他人的程度,独立性越低越容易受他人左右。我愈发的独立,因此才愈发的有自己的主见。不管别人怎么说,自己的感受才是最真实正确的。 无论别人怎么看,我绝不打乱自己的节奏。Do what you love, fuck the rest.







I came back around 1 week ago but yet I still feel so depressed.
I am dealing with reverse culture shock they said.
I hardly describe my feeling. I made a video about my thoughts,
because I am really tired of explaining my feelings and why I will feel that way to people again and again.


When I first realised that I wanted to go on exchange, I immersed myself in research. First, I frantically read about all the countries I was interested in going to. At that point I had two requirements, I wanted to go to Europe and I wanted to learn a new language. I chose France but I was too old to go there and I had only two options: Belgium or not to go. At the time, I didn’t know much about Belgium other than stereotypes, including beer drinking as well as the chocolates and french fries. The next few months were spent convincing my parents about all the reasons why it would be beneficial for me to participate in an exchange year. I scoured the internet for blogs where they could read about how fast other exchange students learned the language, immersed themselves in the culture, and what the benefits of an exchange were for them later in life. I guess you could say that I was obsessed with reading about other people’s experiences.

When it was time to fly to Belgium I was buzzing with excitement. I couldn’t wait to meet my new family and see my new home. Although I was excited, I wasn’t nervous. I had read in other exchange student’s blogs how you should have no expectations about your host country or family. I tried really hard not to expect anything, or have any ideas or plans on how my exchange year should be. I was completely open to new experiences. This lack of expectation for my exchange year helped with my nerves, and I think really helped me fit into with my host family and the country.

Now I’m already 10 months into my exchange. I’ve made myself a life in Belgium with a new friend group, family, language, and culture. One of my biggest obstacles in my exchange year was the language. At the beginning, I was so frustrated with myself because I wanted to speak and understand Dutch so badly, and I felt as if I wasn’t learning it quickly enough. I made a lot of effort and  now, I understand almost everything, and while I still have problems with grammar I can speak my mind. Overcoming the language barrier was the last obstacle for me in feeling at home in Belgium.

The last few months here have been amazing, I’ve really settled into my life. Sadly, however, it´s all slowly coming to an end. Two days later I will fly back to Malaysia. And I’m honestly so afraid. I feel like I’ve forgotten how my life was in Malaysia, and what my friends and family are like. I’ve forgotten how I act around my friends and family and feel like I’ve changed so much since coming to Belgium that people in Malaysia may not recognise me anymore. I have so many expectations for what life will be like again in Malaysia, how my friends will act, and how the food will taste, that even though I’ve lived in Malaysia for my entire life I still am afraid for what awaits me at home.

This exchange year has been wonderful and I would gladly repeat the experience. It has taught me a lot about the power of expectations and how they can affect a person’s life and ability to start from scratch all over again. Hopefully, everyone can learn about the power of expectations from my adventure in Belgium.


但是要是读了AUP而不去美国 也就代表我白读几年的书

下个月要回国了 也要做出该不该读AUP的决定


“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”- Andre Gide

We, as humans, get scared easily once we are taken out of our comfort zone, even the most adventurous ones. Getting into the unknown terrifies us. Our minds get filled up with a bunch of “what ifs” that most of the times stop us from doing something we really want to do. We are used to the easy stuff. The least we have to work to get something the better. But that is not really our fault. Society taught us that. We live in a world where shortcuts are allowed. Where the people that get to the top by simple and random luck are more known than the ones that work hard every day of their lives to achieve their goals. This goes to the hard workers, to the ones that don’t let their fear stop them from getting where they want.

August 21st from this past year, I left Malaysia for Belgium. I packed my life in a suitcase and I left. It was easy at first, because it looked like I was only leaving for a few weeks. It was easy because something inside me was telling me that I would not really miss anything nor anyone. But that part of me was mistaken.

One of the most exciting parts of an exchange year is when you get the information about your going-to-be host family. You have been waiting for months to know where are you going to be living for the next school year, to know who are you going to share your experience with. And it finally comes. You wake up and you see the e-mail that is going to change your life. That is it. Now you know you are leaving for sure. You cannot stop thinking about how everything is going to be like. You try to look for as much information as you can get. And the day of your departure comes, and you have to leave. Leave your family, leave your friends, leave everything for a year. The only detail you are missing is that your life there will not stop just because you are not there. Your friends will do their own thing, your family will live without you for a year. Everything will change while you are on the other side of the world trying to start a new life that you will have to leave after a year.
There is something that I have been asking myself lately and that I can’t stop thinking about. What is easier, to leave the life that I had been building for the past 18 years of my life, or to create a new life in a year and to have to leave it forever?

It is the bitter-sweetness at the end of the year that really tells you that even though it was not easy, you made it, and the feeling that you get is awesome. At some times you may cry, thinking about how fast the year went by and how much you are going to miss everyone, but you feel happy and excited to go back to what you left behind the last year.

Ghent has been my home for this past nine months, and I can’t think of a better place to spend an exchange year. There is something about the people in this city that really makes it feel like home.
I thought that everything would be easy, and that all that the experienced kids from the past years told me about missing home and missing your family, would not happen to me. But let me tell you something… it did, and it was hard. When things do not go as well as you expected them to go, you suddenly just want to hide under the bed and wait for somebody to fix it for you. And that is the problem. You do not have anyone to fix things for you and you have to learn all of a sudden to fix them by yourself. Nobody gave me instructions on what to do when you do not really get along with your host family. I thought that if that happened my organization would tell my host family what I was feeling and I would be able to move on. But of course, it was not that easy. After few months living with the host family that chose me I felt that things were not working out. Every day I felt more distant to them, and I did not know what to do. When this happens, the best to do is communicate, to tell them what are you feeling and what you don’t like, but I did not know what to do. How do you tell somebody you barely know that you don’t like their life style? That you are having a hard time adjusting? And that you don’t like how they are? That went against all the manners that my parents raised me with. I could not do that. So I thought that my organization would help me solve the problem. That did not happen either. They did not give me any solutions. I was down during all those days, and I did not know what to do. I was really unhappy with what was going on, and also frustrated that things were not going as wonderfully as all that I was expecting and that I had been dreaming of. I realized I did not have my mum close to give me the comfort and to help me through. I could only play piano to express myself. I realized that I had to start growing up without her by my side. She would not be there my whole life to solve my problems for me.
While all that was going on, I met the other exchange student. She was a really nice girl, and at the end she became one of my best friends that helped me throughout my experience. She did everything that was in her hands to make me feel better.
It was really hard at first, but it was worth it. I ended up having the feel that I would not know how to live without them. Thanks to them I have been able to enjoy every minute of this experience. They have helped me grow and they gave me shelter when I needed it. And I can not be thankful enough for all that they have done. They have become an important part of my life.
I just want people to know that this can happen. And that it is nobody’s fault if you do not get along with your host family. Sometimes personalities are made to collide, and you can’t do anything about it. In these moments is when you can feel homesick, but no matter what, at the end everything is going to be alright. If it is not alright in the end, it's not the end. I am positive this taught me a lesson that I won’t ever forget.

It is now that I am able to see the whole picture that I can proudly say that this year was by far one of the best of my life so far. I recommend this to anybody. Doing an exchange year you learn a lot of things that you would not be able to learn while you are sitting in a classroom in your home country. Plus you learn to communicate in a different language.

I have been through a lot of bad situations, but not everything about it is bad. Of course not. At the end, all the hard work and all the things that did not go as planned are paid off. You will go home with unbreakable friendships and memories hard to replace. And probably you find yourself debating because you no longer know where your home is since when you left your exchange country a part of your heart stayed there, but that is not always a bad thing.

Now I understand Andre Gide’s quote. I left sight of the shore to discover a new ocean. And that was the best thing I could have ever done. I can’t imagine my life without all the amazing people that I have met and all the amazing places I have visited. Now I can’t wait to know what destiny has planned for me.


I have walked through many lives,
some of them my own,

and I am not who I was,

though some principle of being abides,
from which I struggle not to stray.

When I look behind,
as I am compelled to look before I can gather strength to proceed on my journey,
I see the milestones dwindling toward the horizon and the slow fires trailing from the abandoned camp-sites, over which the scavenger angels wheel on heavy wings.

Oh, I have made myself a tribe out of my true affections,
and my tribe is scattered!
How shall the heart be reconciled to its feast of losses?

In a rising wind,
the manic dust of my friends,
those who fell along the way,
bitterly stings my face.

Yet I turn.

I turn,
exulting somewhat,
with my will intact to go wherever I need to go,
and every stone on the road precious to me.

In my darkest night,
when the moon was covered and I roamed through the wreckage,
a nimbus-clouded voice directed me:

-Live in the layers, not on the litter-

Though I lack the art to decipher it,
I am not done with my changes.

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